World Tang Soo Do Association


In 1968 Grandmaster Jae Chul Shin came to the United States of America as the U. S. representative for the Korean Tang Soo Do Association. He formed the U. S. Tang Soo Do Federation in Burlington, New Jersey in 1968. This traditional Korean Martial Art was quickly accepted and soon grew in popularity throughout the World. The organization reformed to fit new demands internationally, and on November 13 and 14th, 1982, a charter convention of the World Tang Soo Do Association was held in Philadelphia, PA., USA. With the advent of the World Tang Soo Do Association, Tang Soo Do began a new era of development as a traditional martial art. In the last 25 years, The WTSDA organization has grown at an outstanding rate to reach over 100,000 members in 36 countries. .


Tang Soo Do

What Is Tang Soo Do?

The indigenous martial arts quietly developed through generations of the Korean people. During some eras it flourished and other times it diminished, according to the political, economic or cultural environment. Korean martial arts were known by various names such as Hwa Rang Do, Soo Bahk Ki, Taek Kyun, Soo Bahk Do, Tang Soo Do, Tae Soo Do and so on. Tang Soo Do is a traditional Korean art, reflecting heritage and the value of a traditional way or path.

The Purpose of Tang Soo Do Training

In today's hectic society, there is no doubt that we need self-defense skills. Equally important are physical fitness and methods for the release of daily stress---No matter whether you are seeking self-defense, better health, physical fitness or discipline, our Tang Soo Do can meet your needs. However, Tang Soo Do has its own unique character which differentiates it from any other form of martial arts or martial sports. Tang Soo Do not only teaches physical techniques but also trains us to practice "DO" way of life through practice of the five virtues; "IN" -humanity, "UI"-righteousness, "YIE"-etiquette, "JI"-wisdom and "SHIN"-trust. When we reach the ultimate level of "DO", we can live in perfect harmony with the laws of nature.

Our Grandmasters


Jae Chul Shin

Grandmaster - Founder

Grandmaster Jae C. Shin (1936-2012) was the founder of the World Tang Soo Do Association, and is one of the leading figures of martial arts in the world today.

He was born in Korea in 1936, and began his long and distinguished career in martial arts at the age of twelve. Later, he joined Seoul Moo Duk Kwan central gym and began serious study under Grandmaster Hwang Kee, a founder of the Korean Moo Duk Kwan system.

His six fields of expertise include self-defense, forms, breaking, weapons, health care, and meditation. He has evolved these separate arts into one of the finest and most effective martial arts; The World Tang Soo Do system. When he was recruited to the Korean Air Force in 1958, he had his first experience teaching American soldiers. After receiving his Master's degree in Political Science at Korea University, he came to the United States in order to extend his instruction of foreign students in 1968.

Grandmaster Shin, one of the most respected and well known masters in this century. He is one of the few masters who has devoted his entire life to the traditional martial arts. In addition to insisting on disciplined, rigorous training and exacting techniques, he has always preached that the true value of martial arts training is in the application to everyday life.

By proclamation of WTSDA members, Grandmaster Shin was promoted to the highest level obtainable in our Art – 9th Degree Black Belt. This historic event occurred on July 17, 2010 in front of ~1600 competitors and spectators at the WTSDA World Championship in Greensboro, NC.

Robert E. Beaudoin


Grandmaster Robert Beaudoin (1942-2020) was a charter Master of the World Tang Soo Do Association and is the father of traditional Tang Soo Do in New England.

After joining the Air Force and being selected for a special language program at Yale University, he was stationed at Osan Air Base in Korea and got his first taste of the martial arts. In 1962 he began training in Tang Soo Do under Grandmaster Jae C. Shin. This date marks the beginning of a student/teacher/friend relationship the two would share for more than 50 years. On May 12, 1963, Grandmaster Beaudoin tested for his black belt in Inchon, Korea in front of Grandmaster Hwang Kee and Grandmaster Shin.

Grandmaster Beaudoin combined his martial arts teaching experience and his Doctorate in Education by starting the Quality Training and Consulting business, conducting leadership training programs for private and public organizations. His combination of leadership and teaching skills has helped him develop the ability to teach students from Tiny Tigers to seniors.

Grandmaster Beaudoin was promoted to the rank of 8th Dan on July 17, 2010 at the 2010 World Championships at the same event where Grandmaster Shin was promoted to 9th Dan. Throughout his martial arts career loyalty has been one of the central tenets of his training and one of the primary attributes he has passed onto his students. He has asked for unity and loyalty among all Masters, instructors and students in order to continue the vision of our founder, Grandmaster Shin.

William R. Strong


Grandmaster William (Bill) Strong began his martial arts journey with the Jhoon Rhee Tae Kwon Do Institute while an undergraduate student at the University of Texas in the early 1960s.  After completing his BA, MA and PhD he moved to Florence, Alabama for a job as a professor of geography at the University of North Alabama.

On the day after he arrived, he joined a Tae Kwon Do studio to continue his training and achieved his Cho Dan on September 7, 1974. Three years later, he was awarded his E Dan through the Kuk Ki Won World Tae Kwon Do Center. 

His Tang Soo Do training began soon thereafter and he earned the Sam Dan from the Korean Tang Soo Do Association Moo Duk Kwan in August 1981. After two more years of intensive training, he received his Sah Dan promotion in 1983 from the Korean Tang Soo Do Association Moo Duk Kwan.

Upon acceptance into the World Tang Soo Do Association, Grandmaster Jae Chul Shin recognized his Sah Dan from the Moo Duk Kwan.  Continuing his training with Grandmaster Shin resulted in attaining the O Dan in 1988, Yuk Dan in 1994 and Chil Dan in 2003.

At the World Championship in 2014, Grandmaster Robert Beaudoin promoted him to Pal Dan Grandmaster. Since joining the Association, Grandmaster Strong has served as the Membership Committee Chair, Region 6 Director, Technical Advisory Committee Chair, Secretary General, and more recently as the President and The Grandmaster.