COVID-19 Update

March 13, 2020

Published by Aida Dennehy

Hello Region 20. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, some events have been cancelled or postponed. Master Marsch will let everyone know if anything else is cancelled or changed. For now, these are the only cancellations we are aware of:
Region 1 Championship (postponed)
Masters Camp (cancelled)
Friendship Tournament (cancelled)

Region 20 supports all its families in protecting themselves from the spread of illness. Please follow appropriate procedures to help keep yourself, your students and parents safe. We recommend hand washing prior to the start of class and the use of disinfecting wipes on all surfaces such as light switches and door handles. Encourage students to touch elbows rather than shaking hands and encourage hand washing immediately after class. Practice of techniques involving contact, such as self defense or one steps should be avoided at this time and practiced without a partner. Encourage students and parents of children to clean sparring gear with disinfectant wipes. 

If you are in doubt about your own health symptoms, please be prudent and self quarantine until you are sure.


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