Basic Training…

January 12, 2020

Published By Aida Dennehy

We enjoyed an exhilarating and inspiring training at TSDKI this Saturday during the first Black Belt Class of 2020! Master Dercole opened the training with this quote from Sensei Higa Minoru, Grandmaster of the Kyudokan school of Shorin-ryu: 

​"The most important thing about karate is basic training and communication. Many young today will train extremely hard for a little while and then stop. This is not good. You must train little bit, but you must train often. Consistency is what creates a great martial artist, not brute strength. Karate is not for a rank, glory or for revenge. It is way of life: A way to protect yourself, a way to build health, and a way to bring people together. When we train, we train as a community, so that we can push each other to become better than yesterday.  I think of a dojo like a melting pot, it can bring many different people to do the same thing, at the same time, in the same place. It makes people homogeneous. This type of environment creates peace. Karate is about creating peace."
Master Leslie started the training by getting us in the groove with a workout set to Billie Eilish's song "Bad Guy" (which Master Leslie predicts will win a Grammy at the end of this month)!

The focus of the class was "Back to Basics" and was a great start to 2020 for Region 20! Tang Soo!


In Memoriam, KJN Robert Beaudoin


Black Belt Special Training